DSKV IJzersterk was created in 2015 and made official in 2016 with the following goals:
- To share reliable and trustworthy information about strength training in general.
- To share knowledge and expertise between athletes of different disciplines.
- To participate in competitions together.
- To give seminars and trainings.
- And most of all: to train together and to motivate each other in accomplishing personal goal(s).
These points are what we offer to you when you join the association. As an IJzersterk member, you will have access to the VKR (The association strength room of the TU Delft) every Saturday, where we can help each other with technique and other issues.
The sports that are practised within the association are powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting and strongman.
Through trial and error, we have built up a huge amount of experience over the years. Besides lifting, we are also knowledgeable about nutrition, programming and competition preparation.
When you are a member of the association you can be trained by one of our coaches, or give coaching to fellow members yourself. For help with programming, nutrition and or competition preparation, you can contact a more experienced member. So make sure to use the association’s knowledge and help it expand.
If you’d like to perform in official competitions, organised by either the association or the K.N.K.F, then IJzersterk is the place for you! IJzersterk has members who have experience with competitions and who can give all the inns and outs to push yourself to your maximum capabilities. Members who are not coaching will be there to bring on the hype!